When the job calls for wheels-free maintenance to the underbelly of a bus, truck or agri-equipment and you’re using Stertil-Koni mobile column lifts, why not put a fork adapter on it?
Stertil-Koni boosts adaptability of its popular mobile column lifts with its new series of universal multipurpose fork adapters engineered to increase the versatility, utility, and performance during heavy-duty vehicle lift use.
By adding multipurpose adapters, the user can achieve front and rear lifting with just two mobile columns.The multipurpose adapter attaches to the mobile column lift forks allowing the vehicle to be lifted by its frame rather than its wheels.![mobile column lifts multipurpose adapters](uploads/2018/02/20150901_universal-agricultural-adapter_0038.JPG)
Wheels-free is a major coup for shop techs, as the majority of vehicle maintenance and repair is focused near the wheels – such as tires, brakes, steering and suspension work.![mobile column lifts multipurpose adapter Steril-Koni](uploads/2018/02/multipurpose-adapter-mobiles-bus.jpg)
Stertil-Koni mobile column lifts with multipurpose adapters can handle everything from heavy-duty utility trucks to farm tractors and even cab and chassis vehicles.
Notes Peter Bowers, technical sales manager for Stertil-Koni, “Multipurpose adapters broaden the utility of our popular mobile column lifts. This versatility allows for handling and servicing of a broad range of vehicles, including those with low ground clearance and varying configurations.”
Among Stertil-Koni's multipurpose adapters, these are the most popular:
· 950 - Works well with a wide range of heavy-duty vehicles and is ALI certified
· 970 - Expressly designed to be used when lifting light-to-medium duty trucks.
· 920 - Addresses lifting needs of tractors and related agricultural equipment.
Learn more here