When it comes to designing the perfect lift systems for Stertil-Koni’s customers, Nathaniel (“Nate”) Treen (left and below) knows how to get the job done. Not only is he an ace CAD (computer aided design) drafter, but Treen is also a certified commercial driver of trucks and buses, so he knows exactly how big rigs handle.
Treen works in Stertil-Koni’s Stevensville, Maryland office, where he produces the drawings that show customers exactly how Stertil-Koni’s industry-leading line of heavy
duty vehicle lifts will look and function in their shops.
That’s everything from in-ground lifts to mobile columns. And regardless of the application, Treen draws on his experience behind the wheel to make sure everything flows as smoothly and efficiently as possible.
Treen comes to the drafting table with years of experience in the industry. He is also a graduate of the Maryland Drafting Institute and TESST College of Technology in Baltimore.
“I help our customers see how they’ll get the most function out of their lifts for the vehicles they need to service,” said Treen.
But not always behind a desk, Treen still drives professionally on the occasional weekend. One of his most memorable jobs was the week and a half he spent volunteer driving in New Orleans during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, when he helped get rescue workers to where they were needed most.
On weekends when he isn’t driving, Treen enjoys hiking and photography. He also flies RC helicopters with his 12-year old son. “My next step is to get a camera drone,” he said.
Treen also enjoys spending time with his daughter and grandchild. Another grandchild is on the way.